Seville #FFAB60
One word to define Seville is powerful. A city very loyal to its traditions but in an ongoing battle with modernity and mass-produced mentality. Heaven for aesthetics lovers. Energetic in a delicate way.
Real Alcazar de Sevilla is the highlight of the city, an architectural wonder filled with nostalgic corners and unintentional poetic scenarios. This post is a tribute to my visit to Seville and this captivating place.
There’s a particular feeling attached to this city. I find out shortly that everywhere you look your eyes will encounter some shade of orange. Warm, vibrant, comforting. Sevilla tiene un naranja especial, as a popular song from the 90’s confirm.
Most recently, Pantone determined the city’s official colour by collecting more than 10,000 photos and using an algorithm to define the ‘official’ colour of the city. Hola to #FFAB60 “friendly and optimistic with a touch of zest”.
Bonus Feria de Sevilla, a big spring celebration that helps Seville colour palette expands beyond shades of orange.